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American Association of Community Theatre (AACT) festival are part of a multi-year process that culminates in a national festival held in odd-numbered years.  AACTFEST provides an opportunity for community theaters from AACT’s 10 regions to enter productions for adjudication and advancement from state to regional to national level. AACTFest is both a celebration of theater and a learning experience for those who take part.


ACT has entered this festival cycle every year since its inception in 1980.


As a part of the process, each state chooses a community theater production to represent it at the regional level.  South Dakota AACTFest is the first leg of the AACT festival cycle for ACT.


The advancing production then represents its state in its AACT regional festival.  The advancing production from the South Dakota festival represents the state in Region V: Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota.


The advancing productions from each region then represents its region at the AACT national festival.

Some national festival shows are then asked to represent the United States in international festivals.


Help keep this rich ACT festival tradition alive by supporting the endowment!


2023  "Didn't See That Coming"


2017   "Mavis Pleads the Fourth"


2019  "Rated P... For Parenthood"

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2015  ACT & NSU’s “Working”

2013 "The Top Job" advances from South Dakota Festival and participates in the Region V Festival.


2011 “Perfectly Normal and Healthy” advances from South Dakota Festival and participates in the Region V Festival.


2009 “How to Talk Minnesotan: The Musical” advances from South Dakota Festival and Region V Festival and participates in National Festival


2008 “Honk!” particapates in international festival ACT takes show to Toyama, Japan to perform in The World Festival of Children’s Performing Arts


2007 “Honk!” advances from South Dakota Festival and Region V Festival and places 3rd at National Festival2005 “Honk!” places 2nd in South Dakota AACTFest

2003 “The Diary of Adam and Eve” advances from South Dakota AACTFest and places 3rd a Region V AACTFest

2001 “The Cmplt Wrks of Wllm Shkspr (Abridged)” advances from South Dakota AACTFest and participates in Region V AACTFest

1999 “The Cmplt Wrks of Wllm Shkspr (Abridged)” places 2nd at South Dakota AACTFest

1997 “Jesus on the Oil Tank” places 2nd at South Dakota AACTFest

1995 “Shock of Recognition” places 2nd at South Dakota AACTFest

1993 “Naomi in the Living Room” places 2nd at South Dakota AACTFest

1991 “Laughing Wild” advances from South Dakota AACTFest and participates in Region V AACTFest

1989 “Welcome Home” participates in South Dakota AACTFest

1987 “Burning Desire” participates in South Dakota AACTFest

1985 Show not remembered – participates in South Dakota AACTFest

1983 “The Feast” participates in South Dakota AACTFest

1981 “You Know I Can’t Hear You When The Water’s Running” advances from South Dakota AACTFest and participates in Region V AACTFest

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