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YPT Classes

Aberdeen Community Theatre and Young People's Theatre are excited to announce upcoming musical theatre classes scheduled for February through April. Registration are closed. Classes held at the Capitol Theatre 417 S Main St.

Level 1: Grades 2-3

Registration fee $35.00

This introductory class provides a chance for your child to explore the world of musical theatre performance. Students will learn a group musical theatre song and dance number, selected by the instructor, to showcase for friends and family on April 6th. The class meets once a week for an hour, focusing on combining physical and vocal elements to present a polished musical theatre performance.

Level 2: Grades 4-7

Registration fee $40.00

Designed in a musical theatre style, this class challenges each student to learn a solo or duet from a selection of songs and participate in a group musical theatre number chosen by the instructor. The class meets twice a week for an hour and a half, leading up to a performance of individual and group pieces at the student showcase on April 6th.

The first class each week focuses on exercises and explorations to enhance solo or duet performances, while the second class delves into physical explorations to elevate the group musical theatre number.

Classes Schedule:



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